What’s An Average Day Like in Medical
Billing and Coding & Can You Work Remotely?
More Answers From Medical Billing and Coding Professionals
Video Transcript
Guest Host:
What jobs are there in medical billing and coding? Are they the types that you could be working from home or doing some type of remote work? And how do the hours and scheduling work overall?
Medical Billing and Coding Expert Answer:
Typically, you can do pretty much whatever you want to do with medical coding in terms of your working hours and that kind of thing. If you want to work in the office, then there will be a set schedule. Currently I work like 6 to 4:30, 4 days a week and then I’ll be off on rotating Friday. I had a job offer recently for remote and the lady told me, you know, you can set your own schedule. We just ask that you stick to a schedule if you need to leave to go to the doctor or anything, just takes us and let us know. And then when you get back, you can just complete the rest of your hours. It can be pretty relaxed or a little strange to if you’re in the office.
Medical Billing and Coding Expert Answer:
A lot of people want to work remote. A lot of companies still have their work house. So there’s both. I have four friends that work hybrid. They stay home three to four days a week and then go into the office one or two days a week. So there’s that too. There’s project work where you work on a billing and coding project for a few months and then you’re finished. Maybe you could do that in-house or remotely. So lots of different and very varied opportunities. I’m seeing that not being place dependent. First I thought, well, you know, a big institution like a hospital network, they would want their people in-house. But that’s not necessarily true. I know a lot of smaller providers like small group practices, not necessarily true.
Medical Billing and Coding Expert Answer:
COVID really changed the whole market on this. Prior to covid, you didn’t see a lot of people working from home. Maybe if you go into a management position, you have to travel between site and site to go to the different clinics. Nowadays, because of covid, there’s a lot more opportunity of working from home. However, working from home brings on its own different special needs. If you don’t have any experience, you’re not going to work from home. You’ve got to have a compliant workspace. Sometimes they give you the equipment to use. Sometimes you have to have your own. You know, there’s a lot of different stuff. And in some places, Yeah. If you got an East Coast client, I live on the West coast, so their day starts at 5. Their Yeah. My time. Sometimes you’re in a meeting at 4:00 AM in the morning. I work internationally too. I have clients in India. I have clients in Pakistan and in the Philippines, and they’re all a day ahead. 3:00 AM for me is 3 PM for them, three, four or 5:00 for that. So that’s the end of their day. That can get very interesting as far as scheduling is concerned. Some people want that strict 40 hours and they got the camera on you and they’re watching. But, you know, some people just go by the quality of your work. And that’s a good thing.
Medical Billing and Coding Expert Answer:
So that really depends on what company you work for, who you work for. So for me, yes, I can work from home. I do work from home both for I had worked for other companies and then for myself. It’s all remote. But I have previously worked for companies who were just in-house. They only wanted you in the office. They didn’t want to do remote. And that that’s because of cybersecurity issues and things like that can play a part in that. And then they may just like the work environment when everyone’s in the office versus, you know, when you’re remote, it’s definitely more separate and not as big of a sense of community.
Medical Billing and Coding Expert Answer:
Even prior to the pandemic, it wasn’t really hard to find a lot of remote jobs or how to use that term only because you doubtless need a lot like you need your coding words or any documentation from a player. So be able to get into the system and you just need access to this. So it’s been a plethora of remote jobs in the health, you know, or a very busy. Just once the pandemic came, a lot of companies realized that we could PIVOT project to remote.

Whitney Tyson
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Best Online Medical Coding Degree Programs
Medical billing and coding degrees are offered at the certificate, associates and bachelors degree levels. At the associates or bachelors level, the degree is often called, Health Information Management, Informatics, or Healthcare Administration in addition to Medical Billing and Coding. Below you’ll find accredited online medical billing and coding degree programs that will prepare you for your career in the field: